Lift Up Your Heads
Rev Cornelio was first ordained into the ministry in 1984 and has been in active ministry ever since. He is a minister with Christ For...

Called to be Chosen! (Part 2)
In this second installment of the series, Rev Francis will expound on the second parable, the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Matthew 22),...

A Church After God's Own Heart
Many Christians know that King David was called “a man after God’s own heart.” As the body of Christ, the Church, we should also strive...

Called to be Chosen!
In Matthew 22:14, Jesus said, “Many are called but few are chosen”. What does He mean by that? Does it mean that some may be...

Traditions, Myths & Legends
This message was recorded at our Chinese New Year Service on Sunday, 18 February 2018.

Let's Get Personal
Infancy, childhood, adolescence, followed by adulthood; these are the natural life stages every human would go through. As Christians, we...

Saved. For What?
Too often, many think that we are saved just to be blessed. If we think that way, then we have really fallen short of what God has laid...

Saved. To What?
Often we do not understand what we are saved to. We think that it is for eternity when we go to heaven. Scripture reminds us that heaven...

Messianic Prophecies
Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies is a clear indication and display of His divinity and love for all humanity. His feats...

Saved. From what?
Too often we don’t know what we are saved from. We just think that we are saved to be blessed and to live a good life as well as to die...