Palm Sunday - The Coming Return of the King
This message was recorded at our Palm Sunday Service on 9 April 2017.
Praying With My Spirit
Ps David shared how we pray with our spirit, when we should we pray with our spirit and the spiritual purpose and benefits of praying...
Why Alpha
About the speaker: Rev Then is currently serving as a part-time pastor in Queenstown Lutheran Church. He coaches the Alpha team and...
Impossible is Nothing
God loves to perform miracles because only God can. God desires to perform the miraculous in your life! Learn how to prepare to receive...
Call to Watch
Watchman, arise and sound the alarm! We are entering a new season and the enemy is determined to thwart the new move of God. But God is...
Call to Me - An Invitation
Jeremiah 33:3 is an invitation from God to all of us. God invited Jeremiah, the prophet, to call to Him when the prophet was faced with...
Handling the Truth in Today's World
Prayer is the stormfront of the increase of the Kingdom of God and Truth must be the language, the air, the foundation and the generating...
Place of Significance
God has a destiny for each and every one of us. In that destiny, we will rise up to the place of significance. How do we attain this?
Disengaging to Engage
Rev Francis shares how we can establish our spiritual life through the practice of spiritual discipline.
Advancing in the Spirit
Rev Francis shares how we can walk a victorious life by learning to walk in the Spirit through living in the Spirit.